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50 recent changes in Cosmo Web retrieved at 17:18 (GMT)

Cosmo.WebHome see also: MonographCosmoOpisSizeUniverse20112012 Rozmiar Wszechświata (The Size of the Universe): Opis dla celów formalnych takich jak ECTS ro...
Cosmo.WebHome draft of possible dates/topics of SR GR lectures summer 2011 Warning the actual speed of the course depends on the speed of preparing sufficien...
Cosmo.WebHome Data/Miejsce * 16.04.2011 Sat http://www.festiwal.torun.pl/2011/program/ TODO list * TODO Festiwal 2012: ask for computer projector...
Zgłoszenie imprezy Dane zgłoszenia: Skąd: z UMK Wydzial UMK: Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej Nazwa jednostki: Centrum Astronomii UMK Adres:...
http://cosmo.astro.umk.pl/Cosmo/ExoplanetBL Exoplanets and Sambridge et al. Disclaimer: This is just an instant, superficial, analysis, not a serious, well th...
Cosmo.WebHome title for inclusion in festival page Kształt Wszechświata: Wszystkie przestrzenie są sobie równe, ale niektóre są równiejsze od innych Main...
r3 - 19 Nov 2010 - 06:14 by TomaszKazimierczak
najlepsze kandydaty: przestrzeń Poincare i 3 torus * 15:30 10 min 2007 2009: Którą przestrzeń wybierać? Co może być ,,ciemną energią"? * 5 min T...
r3 - 19 Nov 2010 - 05:58 by TomaszKazimierczak
algorithm From ntpd/ntp_loopfilter.c (ntp 4.2.2.p4 dfsg): * This is an implementation of the clock discipline algorithm described * in UDel TR 97 4 3, as amende...
Na twiki, tu mamy stron że tylko grupa admin może zmienić, ale wszysce mogą czytać, tylko nie mogą komentować, poprawić, narzekać. To raczej bez sensowny... param...
This mainly includes %$\Omega_m$% and %$\Omega_\Lambda$%. The first (and possibly the only, so far) simultaneous constraint on both %$\Omega_m$% and %$\Omega_\La...
See also the verbose WebIndex.
Cosmo 2003 meeting of people interested in cosmology research in Poland Please correct this page add your name, remove your name, confirm that you'd like t...
Welcome to the home of Foswiki.Cosmo. This is a web based collaboration area for cosmology research and education. For the moment, please see http://adjani.astro....
Please add your preferences (TWiki.TWikiRegistration for username/password) for guides on computer languages etc useful for astronomy. Feel free to add critical ...
%TMPL:P{"attach\ mentstop"}%
20 * these should provide observations of galaxies at quite high redshifts, so good galaxy/AGN formation modelling projects could make predictions of how the ...
Cosmo Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Cosmo web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and c...
Cosmo.WebHome This page is for WikipediaEn:Cascading_Style_Sheets for the Cosmo wiki. Main.BoudRoukema 13 Jul 2010
Cosmology past and ongoing projects in Toruń brief summary for main page Shape of the Universe Scientific models of the Universe are intended to satisfy the Ei...
This is an old, subjective list/description of cosmologists in Poland and nearby. Probably a more relatively objective list is given by the recent CAK network app...
Cosmo.WebHome (author/title)
Cosmo.WebHome (author/title)
Cosmo.WebHome how wims points are calculated po polsku see CosmoTeaching20092010 4.0 punkty zaliczenia na wims jak jest obliczony * Możesz zdobyć a...
PhD in another country Some random comments regarding doing a PhD in another country (since someone asked). what are the "formal" requirements, when one applies ...
Cosmo.WebHome includes VirtualObservatory
Cosmo.WebHome RTK / RT5 justification from cosmology Main.BoudRoukema 22 Jan 2010
bibliometria method summary: Uses BIBLIOMATRIX, L. Amendola (INAF/OAR), 2005's online script http://odisseo.mporzio.astro.it/bibliomatrix with yes to all three ...
Cosmo.WebHome Data/Miejsce * 17(?).04.2010 Sat http://www.festiwal.torun.pl/ Parametry parametry są tu: http://www.festiwal.torun.pl/zgloszenie/ Tytu...
Cosmo.WebHome Wszystkie przestrzenie są sobie równe, ale niektóre są równiejsze od innych. Main.BoudRoukema 18 Nov 2009
Cosmo.WebHome Data/Miejsce * 24.04.2009 Fri http://www.festiwal.torun.pl/2009/program/?id=142 Parametry parametry są tu: http://www.festiwal.torun.pl...
Cosmo.WebHome Jim Peebles * planck spectrum from CMB is spectacularly planck like * this is independent of GR * likes prospect of growth rate est...
E = frame bundle * M = space time * but considers Lorentz transformations as more fundamental than space time * \Gamma_1 = E \times E, ...
Cosmo.WebHome for inclusion in GrassmannCosmoFun2009 etc main page: GrassmannCosmoFun2009 These are just rough notes feel free to correct them, add links,...
Cosmo.WebHome Mon 14 Sep 2009 * NICOLAI 14.09.2009 * Grassmann algebra key to supersymmetry * anticommuting c numbers * Grassmann...
Cosmo.WebHome Seminarium (definition varies with year) when/where seminarium doktorancki contact boud to coordinate when/where/what for this seminarium
0 graviton is not a ghost * f'' 0 scalaron is not a tachyon * imposed for R \ge R_{now} at least (i.e. during the whole evolution of the Universe) * pos...
Cosmo.WebHome a few randomly selected talks... * Mon 14.09.2009 * GrassCosmoFun09Mon * Tue 15.09.2009 * GrassCosmoFun09Tue * Wed 16.09.2...
Cosmo.WebHome Thu 17 Sep 2009 Nemanja KALOPER inflaton etc * inflaton difficult but not impossible to obtain * T^4, topological mass term ... Arman...
violation of weak equivalence principle * %$\Rightarrow (a A)/(a A) \sim 10^{ 13} $% * present bounds = 10^{ 12} probably need to go to space to g...
Cosmo.WebHome for inclusion in GrassmannCosmoFun2009 etc main page: GrassmannCosmoFun2009 These are just rough notes feel free to correct them, add links,...
Cosmo.WebHome a few randomly selected talks... * Mon 29.06.2009 * Alain Connes' talk was pretty interesting * Tue 30.06.2009 * InvUniv2009C...
Cosmo.WebHome Wright (string person) * Standard Model: 3 coupling constants do not unify, they have 3 intersections at high E instead of 1; supersymmetry ...
Cosmo.WebHome Abhay Ashtekar loop quantum cosmology = LQC vs WDW = Wheeler de Witt * ArXiv:0812.0177 recommended review paper * WDW quantum cosmology...
Cosmo.WebHome Rocky Kolb * Lambda CDM should be seen as a very good phenomenological model that fits the observations * swiss cheese model weak back ...
Cosmo.WebHome Nicolas Regnault * http://legacy.astro.utoronto.ca/ * 3yr dataset (sim 240 objects) * Regnault et al. in prep calibration issues ...
Cosmo.WebHome Iain Brown * nice general introduction * large scale (c/H_0 scale?) results seems to be consensus that effects should be sim 10^( 5)...
Cosmo.WebHome Jean Loup Puget * Planck! * B modes * tensor/scalar ratio down to 0.05 (present best direct upper limit is 0.3 sigma, Bicep Chia...
Cosmo.WebHome Olivier Lefevre * VVDS * future * SDSS3 BOSS, VIPERS should have some results by about 2011 * ESA EUCLID = spectro imagi...
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Topic revision: r5 - 13 Nov 2014, BoudRoukema
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