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50 recent changes in Cosmo Web retrieved at 04:55 (GMT)

# first download the source files and debian patches and metadata: wget http://http.debian.net/debian/pool/main/s/splash/splash_2.8.0 1.dsc wget http://http.debia...
Cosmo.InhomCosmIII Inhomogeneous cosmology research plans * Notes from Monday 16 Sep and Friday 20 Sep discussions... * something lke an alphabet, lite...
* public pages: CosmoTorun17 * software wiki: CosmoTorun17Software
We must recommend that participants try installing the packages and libraries before the session! Done. * Get started: http://bitbucket.org/broukema/ramses sca...
Dear participant, I'll soon send you information about organising the inhom monthly newsletter that we discussed at CosmoTorun17, but I have two job ads to announ...
Andrew Liddle i kosmologia TODO: Several links below are obsolete! Update them! Książka po polsku ,,Wprowadzenie do kosmologii współczesnej" = "Introduction to m...
Shifted to: HigherEducationLaws
Doktorat na TCfA Warning: This info may be incomplete and partly out of date! administrative steps * getting documents to Dziekanat http://irk.umk.pl : dead...
#!/bin/bash ## Lorentz_image transform an image file ## ## Copyright (C) 2013 2018 B. Roukema ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribut...
StopienWykladu Frequently Asked Questions wiki points How is it possible that nearly all students get full marks? See StopienWykladu for the method. UMK i...
Cosmo.WebHome To be included in pages like LicMagTematy, InzTematy FAQ FAQ o licencjatu/magisterze w astronomii/kosmologii. * Czy praca ma być oryginalna ...
OCRA Wiki! Wiki! Please update if necessary. Publications * * to edit the included file, go to: OCRAPublicationsUrlInclude Science goals * XMM ...
Cosmo.WebHome PLEASE EDIT: Notes for installing inhomog or the full ramses scalav 2017 07 14 * Register at top left and check your email to confirm your f...
r2 - 14 Jul 2017 - 08:37 by CaRoSko
/* FLRW metric: (c) CC BY SA B. Roukema (2011) / load(ctensor); init_ctensor(); csetup(); 4; y; t,r,theta,phi ; 1; 1; c^2 ; / t */ a^2 / (1 k*r^2) ; ...
Cosmo.WebHome media * PressReleaseRBSG08 (unfinished!) * OswiadczeniePrasoweDodekahedron (pl OLD STARY) * CommuniqueDePresseDodecaedre (fr ANC...
Virtual Observatory IVOA mailing lists with public archives * http://www.ivoa.net/forum/index.html * http://www.ivoa.net/forum/radiovo/ radio observatori...
Cosmo.WebHome Cosmology past and ongoing projects in Toruń brief summary for main page include starts here See also CosmoProjectsOld
Cosmo.WebHome Solar Maculopathy from eclipses See WikipediaEn:Maculopathy * 1999 solar eclipse * UK Royal College of Ophthalmologists 38 men 3...
Cosmo.PracKomputerowaIIIZaliczenie przykłady do Pracowni Komputerowej III do piątego punktu przykłady dla punktu Ewentualne punkty (tylko przykłady) inn...
r14 - 30 Dec 2014 - 10:50 by PiotrNiemir
Info pour visiteurs scientifiques au CA UMK * hébergement * pr #232;s du centre ville (10 min #224; pied) dans l'h tel universitaire, ex. pendant une s...
Dane zgłoszenia: Skąd: z UMK Wydzial UMK: Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej Nazwa jednostki: Centrum Astronomii Adres: ul. Gagarina 11 87 10...
Cosmo.WebHome Data/Miejsce * Saturday 26.04.2014 http://www.festiwal.torun.pl/2014/program/ TODO list * TODO Festiwal 2014: ask for computer pro...
Cosmo.WebHome to be included in FestiwalNauki2014 Czy ,,ciemna energia" to tylko artefakt sposobu obliczenia? Istnienie galaktyki i Nagroda Nobla w Fizyki z ...
Cosmo.WebHome This is an include file for ... FestiwalNauki2014 ... FestiwalNauki2004 all years: (2014: TBD) wiki (2013: brak) wiki (2012: brak) wiki...
Cosmo.WebHome ECTS * WikipediaEn:European_Credit_Transfer_and_Accumulation_System * http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong learning policy/ects_en.htm ...
We proposed a method that involves a cross correlation function this uses more information than the original identified circles method. An optimal cross correla...
not topology, but double inflation, or other early universe physics? * AstroPh:0307507 Asymmetries in the CMB anisotropy field (WMAP) Eriksen, Hansen, Band...
Nicolas Copernicus Astronomy Centre Toruń http://www.ncac.torun.pl located in the Toruń town centre, Rabiańska street * how to get to CAMK Warszawa from the ...
ArXiv Astrophysics e prints, arXiv:astro ph/0503014, http://cdsads.u strasbg.fr/abs/2005astro.ph..3014G * Key, J. S., Cornish, N. J., Spergel, D. N., Starkm...
Boud Roukema, ... PS: You are welcome to reply publicly to our cosmic topology discussion list http://cosmo.torun.pl/mailman/listinfo/cos top if you wish to. Howe...
Cosmo.WebHome Chris Clarkson * related to Larena approach * estimate H and H divergence (cf Schwarz et al.) * q (deceleration) as a function of z,...
Cosmo.WebHome Oferta na rok a k a d e m i c k i 2 0 1 3 / 2 0 1 4 Wyklad ogolnouniwersytecki informacja Wydzial oferujacy wyklad: * Wydzial...
toruński festiwal nauki i sztuki 19 23 kwietnia 2013 Festiwal Cele Festiwalu Organizatorzy Patronat Rada Programowa Biuro Festiwalu Patronat medialny Sponsorzy Pa...
Cosmo.WebHome Data/Miejsce * Saturday 20.04.2013 http://www.festiwal.torun.pl/2013/program/ TODO list * TODO Festiwal 2013: ask for computer pro...
r2 - 30 Nov 2012 - 12:49 by JanOstrowski
Cosmo.WebHome Istnienie galaktyki i Nagroda Nobla w Fizyki z 2011r. Propozycja: "Czy można dostać nobla za odkrycie (nie )istnienia Ziemi?" Main.BoudRoukem...
WIMS * KRA seminar 29 June 2012 key URLs * http://wimsedu.info WIMS EDU association (stowarzyszenie) * http://wiki.wimsedu.info wiki * https://list...
Cosmo.WebHome Course ID: * 0800 M SOU1 DY Semester/year: * summer 2012/2013 Erasmus code: * 13.7 Course title: * The Shape of the...
Cosmo.WebHome list of related "opis" definitions various versions of monograph opis * MonographCosmoOpisShapeUniverse * MonographCosmoOpisShapeUnive...
Socrates/Erasmus List of subject area codes ...
* en polonais in Polish po polsku OswiadczeniePrasoweDodekahedron * en anglais in English po angielski (not yet requested) * en français in F...
Dane zgłoszenia: Skąd: z UMK Wydzial UMK: Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej Nazwa jednostki: Centrum Astronomii Adres: ul. Gagarina 11 Tytuł...
Cosmo.WebHome Czy obserwujemy przyśpieszenie ekspansji Wszechświata? Propozycja: "Czy można dostać nobla za odkrycie (nie )istnienia Ziemi?" Main.BoudRouke...
Cosmo.WebHome Data/Miejsce * 20.04.2012 Friday http://www.festiwal.torun.pl/2012/program/ TODO list * TODO Festiwal 2012: ask for computer projec...
Cosmo.WebHome TODO: something like as for FestiwalNauki2011Struk Main.BoudRoukema 18 Nov 2011
* od góry: * od przodu: cechy * każde lustro odbije do środku osoba wewnątrz ma poczucie, że jest w przestrzenie wielkim z wielomi kopii sie...
Cosmo.WebHome Route des observatoires astronomiques européens Cultural Routes of the European Council project = visits to Centrum Astronomii seminar in S...
Cosmo.WebHome re testing a failed experiment for something poorly defined It seems like UMK is going to try to follow the BolognaProcess of testing the Wikip...
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Topic revision: r5 - 13 Nov 2014, BoudRoukema
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