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50 recent changes in Cosmo Web retrieved at 23:12 (GMT)

Cosmo.WebHome Gia Dvali gravity at largest and shortest observable distances * BH evaporation related * information processing theory related * sh...
Cosmo.WebHome Amendola * Inhomogeneous approach. * real time observables to directly measure acceleration (cf e.g. Uzan Ellis) * LTB, void models ...
Cosmo.WebHome for inclusion in InvisibleUniverse2009 etc main page: InvisibleUniverse2009 These are just rough notes feel free to correct them, add links,...
3I liquid * DAMA/LIBRA "no background identification used", "rather opaque analysis" * KIMS Korea Invisible Mass Search CsI(TI) http://dmrc.snu.a...
Cosmo.WebHome Planck Launch 14 May 2009 * http://planckmission.wordpress.com/ * http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/herschelplanck/SEM9V3ZVNUF_0.html * h...
Cosmo.WebHome Porozumienie Cząstek Astrofizyka Kosmologia * organising cosmology/astroparticle people in Poland in order to network with other European gr...
najlepsze kandydaty: przestrzeń Poincare i 3 torus * 15:00 10 min 2009: Która przestrzeń wybierać? Co może być ,,ciemna energia" * 2 min T^1 %$\...
Prowadzący: Boud Roukema, Bartosz Lew, Centrum Astronomii UMK http://adjani.astro.umk.pl/cosmo Struktura prezentacji Dyskutuj/czytaj/edytuj dalej * popularno...
Cosmo.WebHome Największe zagadki współczesnej kosmologii Main.BoudRoukema 23 Apr 2009
SetCoor to do much more than just transform coordinates, it would require it to have some sort of model (e.g. linear) of the near future telescope motion, which d...
Cosmo.WebHome page to be included in others RadioT4Scanning What the problem was * The problem was that scanning (2006) was not as regular as it was hoped...
Cosmo.WebHome university student fees Jan 2009: polish govt proposes to introduce university fees for students who study too much Is this consistent with th...
GenX (1998) http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Reference/Proceedings/crabtree_GenX/index.html it seems to be for "5 sec latency" non realtime CCD integrations? rf ...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
Cosmo.WebHome głowna strona organizacyjna Pierniksa: PierNix Frequently Asked Questions dotyczący Piernix (Piernix FAQ) Co to jest? * Piernix jest live C...
Piernix grupa dyskusyjna Chyba lepiej edytować tę stronę bezpośrednio, ale też można dyskutować przez grupę dyskusyjnę, zapisać się tam, itd: * http://cosmo.to...
http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciemna_materia Aktualny numer znaków (wersja 1.1; używaj wc np aby obliczyć): 556 znaków structure of the talk * 15 min boud ...
http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciemna_materia Aktualny numer znaków (wersja 1.1; używaj wc np aby obliczyć): 556 znaków structure of the talk * 15 min boud ...
Cosmo.RadioT4TimingTenMs Quote from info ntpdate: * ... it is important to note that ntpdate with contrived cron scripts is no substitute for the NTP daemo...
You can register a username password at TWiki.TWikiRegistration cosmo twiki How should we organise astronomy politics (citations, getting jobs, etc)? How c...
To logout of TWiki, click on this link LOGOUT and then click on Cancel or Anuluj when you are prompted for a password. To login again, just click on Edit on...
r5 - 09 Oct 2008 - 10:01 by SzefWszystkichSzefow
Cosmo.WebHome Carlos Hernandez Monteagudo ArXiv:0805.3710 Also: * ISW is at big scales, not at the small scales where there are delta baryon fluctuatio...
Cosmo.WebHome Benasque (included) informal, personal notes * Mon 28.07.2008 BenasqueStarkman2008 motivations for MOND/TeVeS * 28.07.2008 Benas...
Cosmo.WebHome Enrique Gaztanaga correlation fn of LRGs in the SDSS DR6 * theoretical (analytical simulational) models of xi radial tangential vs obs...
Cosmo.WebHome Jordi Miralde Escud ArXiv:0710.4488 Self Consistent Models of the AGN and Black Hole Populations: Duty Cycles, Accretion Rates, and the Mean R...
Cosmo.WebHome motivations for MOND/TeVeS Glenn Starkman 29.07.2008 * C_l's are not independent because %$S_{1/2}$% is low * See e.g. AstroPh:0605...
Cosmo.WebHome Boud Roukema Is the Poincare Dodecahedral Sphere model the explanation of the missing fluctuations about 60 degrees? See ArXiv:0801.0006 and ...
Cosmo.WebHome Ramon Miquel BAO PAU Physics of the Accelerating Universe Project to measure BAO Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations and use them as a stand...
Cosmo.WebHome for inclusion in BenasqueNotes2008 etc main page: BenasqueNotes2008 These are just rough notes feel free to correct them, add links, etc. f...
Cosmo.WebHome Rob Crittendon IS ArXiv:0801.4380 * a lot from Giannantonio et al. 2008 ArXiv:0801.4380 * about 80% of ISW signal is from z 1 for a sta...
Cosmo.WebHome Rebolo polarisation searching for BB modes project QUIJOTE QUIJOTE = Q U I JOdrell bank Tenerife CMB project * 10 30 GHz * in 1 yea...
0$% * volume averaging affects power spectrum P(k) ! * averaging time is over time cone volume, not comoving volume? * "synchronous coordinates" * can s...
Cosmo.WebHome clusters and Omega_m = 1 ? Sheth, Mo, Tormen 2001, MNRAS, 323, 1 %$\sigma_8 = fn(A_{TM})$% M T calibration * Ferramacho Blanchard 2007 ...
Cosmo.WebHome TeVeS http://arxiv.org/find/astro ph/1/ti: TeVeS/0/1/0/all/0/1
* scan.0806171042.hor1.dec30.png: * scan.0806171042.hor1.dec40.png: * scan.0806171042.hor1.dec50.png: * scan.0806171042.hor1.dec6...
poe 1 1 stan 10 1111 Scans cancelled before waiting till they finish normally they do finish the full region without any problems. * scan.0806141410.dec30.png...
with scan_corners 0.1.patch a few comments on the patch The main change in the algorithm was to use the measured offsets for making decisions instead of the set ...
Cosmo.WebHome new RT4 control system on RTLinux scanning issue (RadioT4ScanningList)
Bologna process of integrating EU ( CH, ...) universities * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bologna_process * http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Processus_de_Bologne...
Cosmo.WebHome internal Polish politics or orders from above (International Republican Institute, World Bank, etc.?) May 2008: government proposal: * htt...
* 3rd cosmic topology workshop: unofficial copy on this page * 2nd workshop: Cosmological Topology in Paris, 14 December 1998: AstroPh:0010170 * 1st cosmic ...
A one day international workshop, supported by the PNC (Programme National de la Cosmologie), was held in Paris for members of the different disciplines to introd...
Oświadczenie Prasowe Zespółu Topologii Kosmicznej CA UMK/CAMK na temat hipotezy "Wszechświata Dodekahedralnego" Uważaj STARY!!!: jeszcze nie piszeliśmy nowy oświa...
Cosmo.WebHome TOK = Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge (TOK) That means money from the EU for doing science. http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~t...
ACS/LGPL/CommonSoftware/acscourse/ws/idl/ACSErrTypeACSCourse.xml ACS/LGPL/CommonSoftware/acserr/ws/idl/ExmplErrType.xml ACS/LGPL/CommonSoftware/acserr/ws/uml/Erro...
OmniOrb = free implementation of CORBA * omniorb4 is in debian stable * omniORB is a robust high performance CORBA ORB (object request broker) f...
Cosmo.WebHome Czy ,,stała kosmologiczna" jest tylko efekt uśrednienia niejednorodności? Is the cosmological constant just the result of inhomogeneities? See ...
Proca eqns WikipediaEn:Proca_action m_photon e^ e^ e loses energy positronium e e positronium decays para positronium 2 gamma monochromatic w...
Cosmo.WebHome Petition for guaranteed public access to publicly funded research results http://www.ec petition.eu/ Discussion and proposal to sign the petit...
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Topic revision: r5 - 13 Nov 2014, BoudRoukema
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