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Inhomogeneous Cosmologies 2017 hands-on sessions

workshop notes - ET

modify einsteintoolkit.th, download extra files and recompile

  • Edit einsteintoolkit.th in your top ET directory with an editor
  • Find eloisa/ctthorns.git
  • A few lines later: !REPO_BRANCH = $ET_RELEASE should become !REPO_BRANCH = master
  • Add a few lines later: CTThorns/CT_Dust
  • You may safely comment out with "#" or remove the line Llama/WaveExtractL since it is heavy (RAM/cpu time) to compile and not needed.
  • You may safely comment out EinsteinInitialData/NoExcision
  • Now do: ./GetComponents einsteintoolkit.th
  • cd Cactus
  • Compile again: ./simfactory/bin/sim build --mdbkey make 'make -j2' --thornlist=manifest/einsteintoolkit.th
  • Run: ./simfactory/bin/sim submit eds-0001 --parfile=repos/ctthorns/par/eds.par --procs=1 --walltime=0:30:0


  • avoid filling home directory: To avoid creating a huge (733 Mb) directory in your home directory for the simplified tutorial for new users, create your target directory and soft link it to ~/simulations either before you start or before you start running a simulation.

successful runs of tutorial

  • Krzysztof, Boud, Sven,

workshop notes - scalar averaging N-body

debian/ubuntu/mint hints

  • mpgrafic - you might need to install autoconf-archive and do autoreconf; ./configure ; make

OS X hints

successful runs of tutorial

  • Justyna, (Boud),

workshop notes - Sage Manifolds

successful runs of tutorial

  • Krzysztof,

See also

Topic revision: r14 - 14 Sep 2018, BoudRoukema
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