main page: InvisibleUniverse2009These are just rough notes - feel free to correct them, add links, etc. from the Invisible Universe 28 June - 3 July 2009 meeting. These are not official proceedings. The speakers might even disagree that they said anything even vaguely related to what are in these online notes! Don't say you weren't warned.
Chris Clarkson
related to Larena approach
estimate H and H divergence (cf Schwarz et al.)
q (deceleration) as a function of z, domain size,
e.g. 0.05 offset on large scales
can think of this as "background model is renormalised", "gives homogeneity scale for perturbation theory"
length scales used are very important here
"H is robust to smoothing scale, but q isn't"
"all results depend on super-Hubble modes - are we ignoring them correctly?"