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main page: BenasqueNotes2008

These are just rough notes - feel free to correct them, add links, etc. from the Benasque, Pyrenees (mountains on spanish/french border) "Modern Cosmology", 27 July - 14 August 2008 meeting initial participant list. These are not official proceedings. The speakers might even disagree that they said anything even vaguely related to what are in these online notes! Don't say you weren't warned.

Rob Crittendon IS ArXiv:0801.4380

  • a lot from Giannantonio et al. 2008 ArXiv:0801.4380
  • about 80% of ISW signal is from z < 1 for a standard Lambda model
  • strength of the correlation as fn of 1+z is consistent with what is expected
  • Qn: how do we distiguish ISW from foregrounds?
    • long list of effects such as:
      • independent of WMAP frequencies
      • independent of the frequences of the probe object, ranging from radio to Xray

future of ISW

  • VSA-ISW survey
  • Pan-STARRS 3\pi Survey
  • "dark energy survey" over 5000 sq. deg
  • Planck


  • SKA
  • LSST
  • Joint Dark Energy Mission / EUCLID


  • Frommert et al. 2008 try to reconstruct the ISW sky

  • constraints on MOND/TeVeS?
Topic revision: r1 - 30 Jul 2008, BoudRoukema
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