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Cosmology course


  • summer semester - lectures/exercises/exams: SRandGR

DM/DE mini-course (20h)

DM from inhomogeneity

DM in scalar averaging (inhomogeneous cosmology):

  • Buchert, Kerscher & Sicka 2000, ArXiv:astro-ph/9912347, Section II.D, final paragraph, two bullet points - there's an error (both in the ArXiv and official PRD versions) in the text here - swap the expresssions "Q_D is positive" and "Q_D is negative";
  • Buchert, Nayet & Wiegand 2013, ArXiv:1303.6193, last bullet point in Introduction;
  • Roukema, Ostrowski, Buchert 2013, ArXiv:1303.4444, 3rd paragraph of Discussion;

DM (in the sense of getting faster collapse of dense structures) from Szekeres models (more general than LTB):

scalar averaging software:

other DM hints

  • ArXiv:1803.00022 Fitting the Radial Acceleration Relation to Individual SPARC Galaxies - Pengfei Li, Federico Lelli, Stacy McGaugh, James Schormbert


-- BoudRoukema - 02 Sep 2016
Topic revision: r11 - 17 Nov 2022, BoudRoukema
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