Upgrade status: still ongoing: WIMS. Please alert the webmaster about any anomalies.
<< CosmoTeaching

Large-scale Universe

This is a PandA (Physics&Astro) master's level course: 0800-PA-LASCUNIV


  • lecture @10:00-12:00 Thu
  • 0800-KOSMO: EXAM: Thur 20 June 2024 09:00-16:00 @Institute of Astronomy, Piwnice, Room 48; 7 hours = maximum time; a good student can finish in 2 hours
  • 0800-PA-LASCUNIV: EXAM: Fri 28 June 2024 09:00-16:00 @Institute of Astronomy, Piwnice, Room 48; 7 hours = maximum time; a good student can finish in 2 hours

email; mailing lists

  • main communication - small-group non-public email
  • you may want to join the cosmo-pl list for circulating cosmology announcements interesting to the PL cosmology community


prerequisite: SR+GR

summary of modern cosmology

  • AstroPh:0602280 - George Ellis - Issues in the Philosophy of Cosmology - this is a proper scientific approach, i.e. serious philosophy explained in simple (scientific) words

online intros to cosmology


  • calibration: lecturer should be able to do full exam in 60 minutes with a score of at least 4.5 (out of 5)
  • fixed day/time, expected up to 3 hours, allowed up to 5 hours, at KRA as in a traditional exam; repeat exam possible in September as in official program
  • exam uses a selection of wims exercises made available in exercise mode, i.e. the questions are different but statistically drawn from the same distribution in a multi-dimensional parameter space with N >> 1 parameters
  • same as for exercises: score rounded to nearest number in the set {0, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5}
  • differences wrt exercises
    • stronger prerequisite relation between exercises - you must do the easier exercises before being allowed to try the harder ones
    • more severe scoring system: xq instead of xq^{0.3}
  • The examination for this subject requires verification that the students are working through examination questions using verifiable tools. Purely online methods of verifying the students' knowledge are insufficient for this course, so a face-to-face "traditional" exam is required. Experience has shown that some students use scientifically invalid methods.
  • exercise mode:
    • Scoring is enabled by default - but this doesn't count for any official zaliczenie!
    • Scoring is not limited by IP range - you can practice from Spain or Fiji if you wish.
    • link to wims: https://cosmo.torun.pl/wims - the exercise mode sheets have a warning in Polish ,,(bez zaliczenia!)" to remind you that your scores in exercise mode do not count officially
      • Choose Students' area in the left-hand column of the WIMS interface.

5.0 grade points on WIMS - how it's calculated

  • You can get a grade of up to a maximum of 5.0 points from WIMS exercises:
    • 0.0 \le 5 \frac{ \sum_{i=1,n} x_i q_i^{0.3} }{n}  \le 5.0 where
      • x_i is the percentage done for a given "sheet" - let us normalise this to the range from 0.0 i 1.0
      • q_i is the "quality" - in the range from 0.0 to 1.0; the power of 0.3 implies that the effect of q_i is weak unless the "quality" parameter is very low
    • how to check your current score:
      • home
        • My scores
          • Global average: something out of 5. Here, something is your total amount of points
  • The formula for a single exercise done m times, is q_m po m razy, gdzie s_1, ..., s_m, which is in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. This is a decaying average, with q_m = \frac{0.85 q_{m-1} + s_m}{1.85}. In other words, the most recent tries at a realisation of an exercise have the most influence on the score for that exercise.
  • Chromium/Chrome bug: As of 2020 to 2024, chromium/chrome browser software has a bug that prevents the display of some of the exercises. Firefox is one browser without the bug.

-- BoudRoukema - 30 Sep 2020 + ...
Topic revision: r3 - 19 Feb 2024, BoudRoukema
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