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Dark Matter Detection - DAMA/NaI + Foot et al.

  • In http://de.arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0405282 the 7 year results of the DAMA/NaI dark matter direct detection experiment show a signal significant at 6.3σ according to the authors. An explanation for why a signal from mirror-baryonic matter should be expected in this experiment but not in others with similar cross-section detection parameters is presented in AstroPh:0403043, see also AstroPh:0407623 and references therein.
  • Aim: Check the experimental and theoretical claims and propose further tests
    • Try to find an alternative explanation for the DAMA/NaI results without going beyond the Standard Model of particle physics
    • Check whether the Foot et al. calculations of mirror matter properties are consistent with all the experimental data as the authors claim
    • Extend the Foot et al. calculations to find, e.g. a non-gravitational effect of mirror matter in stellar physics, e.g. symbiotic stars (gravitational effects of dark matter are already well studied)
  • More info: http://adjani.astro.uni.torun.pl/Cosmo/NonBaryonicDarkMatter#the_DAMA_NaI_detection_and_mirro
Topic revision: r1 - 24 Apr 2006, BoudRoukema
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