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Cosmo.WebHome Journal Club IoA cosmo Announcements on the cosmo torun mailing list. Subscribe or unsubscribe yourself. Reading the instructions is recommende...
This wiki page is for managing the inhom newsletter. If you only want to receive the inhomogeneous cosmology newsletter about once a month, then subscribe at http...
Dear participant, I'll soon send you information about organising the inhom monthly newsletter that we discussed at CosmoTorun17, but I have two job ads to announ...
Cosmo.WebHome Feel free to add more notes here. Inhomogeneous Cosmologies III * Inhomogeneous Cosmologies III, 16 21 September 2018 at the Jagiellonian Un...
Cosmo.InhomCosmIII Inhomogeneous cosmology research plans * Notes from Monday 16 Sep and Friday 20 Sep discussions... * something lke an alphabet, lite...
Cosmo.WebHome Feel free to add more notes here! (temporary: Fri evening: @Hotel Gotyk) Inhomogeneous Cosmologies IV * Inhomogeneous Cosmologies IV, 14 19 ...
Cosmo.WebHome Inhomogeneous Cosmologies IV work space * For general IC IV community organising notes, see InhomCosmIV * older: 2017: CosmoTorun17Softw...
Zobacz też: NonBaryonicDarkMatterPl (wersja polska) Non baryonic dark matter DAMA/NaI mirror matter źródło: DAMAStudentTematAbstrakt the DAMA/NaI detection ...
Cosmo.WebHome White Paper(s) Inhomogeneous Cosmology * main wiki page: WhitePaper Main.BoudRoukema 17 Jan 2020
Number of topics: 9
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