
official affiliation address


  Institute of Astronomy, 
  Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics,
  Nicolaus Copernicus University,  
  Grudziadzka 5,
  87-100 Toru\'n, Poland

The question of whether or not to use accented letters is based on the verbally expressed concern that search engines are unable to manage these correctly. For example, transfers of characters between different software systems handling bibliometric data by people or robots can sometimes convert accented characters to incorrectly coded character sequences. You can safely use
in the LaTeX address for astronomy peer-reviewed journal articles, since this is handled well by standard fonts and conversions between codings; but it's better to use
in cases where, for example, you're worried that a web form will not be able to handle it. Using
instead of
is more risky and not recommended.

Post offices in Toruń in principle prefer the international standard of having a postcode associated with each post office, but the postcode tradition in Toruń is to pretend that everywhere in Toruń uses the central post office at 87-100.

web site

official website: https://www.ca.umk.pl/en/

older names (pre-1 Oct 2019)

Toruń Centre for Astronomy - home pages http://www.astro.uni.torun.pl and http://www.astri.uni.torun.pl


CAUMKiKomorki - Should you turn off your mobile phone when you are at or near CA-UMK? Please add comments, arguments at CAUMKiKomorki


Centrum Astronomiczne - Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika (CA-UMK)

-- BoudRoukema - 22 Sep 2003

This topic: Cosmo > WebPreferences > WebHome > TCfA
Topic revision: 18 Oct 2019, BoudRoukema
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