Doktorat na TCfA

Warning: This info may be incomplete and partly out of date!

administrative steps

formal documents

Mostly in Polish:


  • stipends:
    • normal stipends are only for Polish citizens (EU rules should, in principle, allow other EU citizens, but this may not yet be implemented in national law nor in UMK rules)
    • stipend only lasts for one year; new competition for stipends each year of doctorate, depending on chance and a supposedly meritocratic points system
    • grants can be applied for in the national grant system (NCN), partly written in English, partly written in Polish
  • in addition to research, the doctorant must do coursework + teaching:
  • the "przewod doktorski" (declaration of intent to submit a thesis) must be "opened" by the second year at latest

visits by scientists from Central/Eastern Europe

  • Mianowski Fund: 1-12 months research visit, if you already have a position and a degree (master's maybe enough?) in your home country
    • mianowski waw pl/programme.htm

Ewentualny Tematy

Reproducible galaxy formation pipeline

In ArXiv:2010.03742 a reproducible galaxy formation pipeline is established. The initial results showed that void location contributes to a later epoch of a dark matter halo's initial collapse, which tends to imply a lower density at the collapse epoch of the halo, and a higher dimensionless spin parameter of the disk that forms in the halo, tending to imply a lower surface density of matter in the disk. Both effects imply that void location contributes to low surface brightness galaxy (LSBG) formation. Several extensions to develop these initial results further would be possible as straightforward and potentially publishable undergraduate research projects. A side benefit of the project would be an introduction to a state-of-the-art method of making a scientific computational project reproducible by independent scientists.

Non-perturbative N-body/GR simulations

N-body simulations (e.g. AstroPh:0411043, ArXiv:1105.1082, AstroPh:0111367) used for the modelling of 0.1 to 5 Gpc scale structure formation assume a rigid Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) background against which perturbations grow according to Newtonian gravity, while the FLRW background itself evolves assuming that structure formation do not form. An UMK-Lyon project is underway to develop relativistic methods of correcting N-body simulations for this contradiction, by using scalar averaging (AstroPh:9912347, ArXiv:0707.2153, ArXiv:0803.1401, ArXiv:1203.6263, ArXiv:1303.6193). The main result of the full project (ArXiv:1706.06179) is that more accurate simulations help show that "dark energy" is a misinterpretation of the virialisation epoch, during which much of the most massive galaxies and galaxy clusters formed. The student's contribution would be in checking caveats of this calculational method and/or proposing extensions. Other codes including Einstein Toolkit/FLRWSolver or Gevolution could alternatively be considered for the project.

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UMK_Rok2017_poz136_Uchwala60_PhD.txttxt UMK_Rok2017_poz136_Uchwala60_PhD.txt manage 19.3 K 22 Mar 2018 - 13:16 BoudRoukema urzędowy dokument - Rok 2017 poz. 136 - Uchwał 60 - w sprawie wytycznych tworzenia planów i programów studiów doktoranckich
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