Backlinks to CAMK in Cosmo Web (Search all webs)

Results from Cosmo web retrieved at 06:02 (GMT)

CafePlus * radio 14:15 czw * Time/Day: 14:15 15:15 czwartek (Thursday) * Place: Radio building * CAMK 10:30 pia * Time/Day 10:30 11:30 ...
* en polonais in Polish po polsku OswiadczeniePrasoweDodekahedron * en anglais in English po angielski (not yet requested) * en français in F...
This is an old, subjective list/description of cosmologists in Poland and nearby. Probably a more relatively objective list is given by the recent CAK network app...
Cosmo 2003 meeting of people interested in cosmology research in Poland Please correct this page add your name, remove your name, confirm that you'd like t...
program for the CosmoPlMeeting2006 on 19 20 May 2006, TCfA, UMK, Toruń Please correct this page add your name, remove your name, or even reorganise it so that ...
COSMO PL SPRING MEETING 2006 CA UMK, WFAiIS, UMK Friday 19 May 09:00 17:00 KRA Piwnice 09:00 10:00 online cosmocoffee workshop; moderator: Boud Roukema 11:30 ...
20 * these should provide observations of galaxies at quite high redshifts, so good galaxy/AGN formation modelling projects could make predictions of how the ...
Oświadczenie Prasowe Zespółu Topologii Kosmicznej CA UMK/CAMK na temat hipotezy "Wszechświata Dodekahedralnego" Uważaj STARY!!!: jeszcze nie piszeliśmy nowy oświa...
Cosmo.WebHome Porozumienie Cząstek Astrofizyka Kosmologia * organising cosmology/astroparticle people in Poland in order to network with other European gr...
Cosmo.WebHome various astro related seminars in Toruń * torun see the torun cosmology mailing list for anno...
Toruń centre * CAMK Rabiańska Street, one down from Kopernika Street CAMK is not the Institute of Astronomy of NCU * Physics Faculty Wydział Fizy...
Toruń Cosmology Group (CA UMK CAMK) (en) Welcome to the home of Foswiki.Cosmo. This is a web based collaboration area for cosmology research and education. (pl)...
Number of topics: 12
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