SQRT shoot --- Introduction ---

This is a visual exercise on the complex numbers: any non-zero complex number has exactly n complex roots of degree n, for n>1.

You are shown the plane of complex numbers, together with a point in this plane representing a complex number z. And you have only to click (shoot) on the complex plane, at the points representing the (square, cubic, quartic, or quintic) roots of z. You will have a score computed in function of the average precision of your shots.

You can with a difficulty level

You can also try Complex shoot which asks you to click on an algebraic expression of a complex number.

Andere oefeningen over : Shoot   complex numbers   Wortels  

The most recent version

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Description: locate (square, cubic, ...) roots of a complex number by clicking on the complex plane. interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games

Keywords: interactive mathematics, interactive math, server side interactivity, algebra, complex number, complex plane, root