[Mma] Polish translation of octave documentation

boud boud at astro.uni.torun.pl
Tue Apr 1 15:54:56 CEST 2003

dear help-octave,
   This message is to avoid doubled-up work in translating octave
documentation into Polish.

   We're some students + 1 faculty person ;) doing a course in
"Mathematical Methods in Astronomy" at the Nicolas Copernicus University
in Torun, Poland.

  The students use their common sense and interest in astronomy to set
their own goals and track their progress and communicate with one another
using wiki technology, and the hope is to encourage usage of free software
(in the GPL sense) so that the knowledge and skills learnt can be easily
transferred to other students, or for example, high school teachers, who
definitely do not have the money to waste on closed software.

We're using octave 2.1.31 as a start, since it's GPL and we've heard
good things about octave  :).

Many of the students have chosen to translate a section of the octave
documentation into Polish as one of their goals for their course:


Two obvious questions are:

(1) Are you aware of other people doing Polish translations of octave docs?
(There's no point people doubling up, even if some proofreading could be

(2) What would be the best way of submitting this for integration into
the octave distribution?

Please feel free to reply directly to our mailing list:


Octave is freely available under the terms of the GNU GPL.

Octave's home on the web:  http://www.octave.org
How to fund new projects:  http://www.octave.org/funding.html
Subscription information:  http://www.octave.org/archive.html

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