Hi Krzyszek, Would you be able to provide the students (at least those in my monograph course:
http://adjani.astro.uni.torun.pl/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Cosmo/MonographCosmo )
with some scratch space, e.g. on /home4/scratch which seems to have (at the moment) about 26 Gb free? E.g. 100Mb or so. By "scratch space", i mean space where it is clear that any files there will *not* be backed up, and there could either be a rule that files will be automatically deleted there at, e.g. the beginning of each month, or else just set a quota of 100Mb or whatever.
The most active students' usernames are:
grzenow lenka rwiatr
and the others can ask later if they really want the space.
thanks boud