Cze�� wszystkim, The following is my suggested agenda for the lecture this afternoon 14:00 Fri 5 Apr 2002 in the Radio building.
(1) First things to play with :) ----------------------------- cosm.tar.gz nrec.tar.gz
You'll find these attached - I haven't checked them, sorry, I'm tired and it's 01:06.
(2) Poll (for finding out how to work together) -------- During the lecture I will ask everyone (including me!) to rate how he/she feels his/her level is from -5 (low) to +5 (high). The purpose is so that we each get to know where each other feels strong and/or weak, and we can help each other in their weak points.
* self-confidence
* organising skills
* unix
* fortran
* C
* pgplot
* typing speed
* comoving coordinates
* curvature
* topology
* correlation function
* null hypothesis rejection
I will suggest splitting up into pairs/triplets and discussing these in separate groups for 20 minutes (that's less than 2 minutes per question, so you may not be able to discuss everything). Within each pair/triplet, please look at the strengths/weaknesses of the other 1 or 2 people and decide how you can concretely help the others in their weaknesses.
In particular, for self-confidence, it would be good over the next week to make at least 1 compliment about the other 1 or 2 people in the pair/triplet. It should be a genuine compliment - and this will force you to try to really understand the person, otherwise it can't be genuine...
(3) time scale -------------- 8 weeks till 31 May
(4) possible programme ---------------------- a - play with cosm.a + nrec.a and document the routines in English & po polsku, see how much can be thrown away because redundant and/or useless and/or confusing b - get everything compiled including b1 -- reading in data files b2 -- calculating correlation functions b3 -- plotting correlation functions b4 -- plotting null hypothesis rejection levels
c + add new routine for modelling ubr selection and avoiding z scrambling d + can calculation be speeded up?
e + calculate for full 11K initial release
f + write routine for reading in Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey g + calculate result (should have degeneracy similar to SNe Ia degeneracy)
h - write down method and results in English
i ** positive/negative feedback loop ** Think about the results and based on thoughts, corrections, worries, iterate again through loop doing it better.
j Keep iterating until convergence is achieved.
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(5) Question: ------------ Is it reasonable to ask everyone to write at least one email per week to the list saying where they've got to, what their problems, successes are?
(6) Conceptual task: ------------------- getting null hypothesis rejection probabilities for the "D" test; how reliable, robust is the test?
Useful reference? (at least for one of Boud's weaknesses, see (2) above ;) ) -----------------
Na popo�udniu o 14:00 (not 14:15)! Boud