Animated sequences

This tool allows you to visualize a sequence (or series) of real functions. With an animation corresponding to the variation of the index, this visualization often gives a very revealing indication on the behavior of the sequence / series.

To visualize numerical sequences or series, please use the tool Sequence plot.

If you don't have a sequence ready to get visualized, try some examples.

Enter the general term of your of functions to  :
un(x) = 
Visualize terms starting from n = 

Menu of options.


You may add a reference function (e.g. the limit):

The most recent version

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Description: animated plot of a sequence (series) of functions. interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games

Keywords: interactive mathematics, interactive math, server side interactivity, analysis, geometry, plot, plotter, graphing, curve, sequence, series, animation, function, Taylor, Fourier