[Mma] grant UMK 432-A - Has the equipment been ordered, paid for etc?

Boud Roukema boud at astro.uni.torun.pl
Tue Sep 21 17:01:48 CEST 2004

Witam wszyscy,
   Wojciech Streich from Dział Nauki (611 4917, 611 4265) wants to know
what's happening with our computer grant UMK nr 432-A.

He would like to discuss this by 30.09.2004r. at the latest.

In principle the grant can be spent up to 30.11.2004r., but i guess he
just wants to get feedback earlier rather than waiting until november.

Ryszard - is this something you deal with?

Staszek - can you check what's happening please?

The students really have a need for this material so that they can start
learning efficiently and profiting from the extremely powerful astronomy
tools available...

(pl) Pan Streich: Oczywiście, chciałbym że mamy ten sprzęt wcześniej
zamiast póżniej!

Ale mamy mejla :), możemy szybki komunikować i konsensualnie rozumieć
gdzie jesteśmy i kupić ten sprzęt :).

pozdrawiam serdecznie
boud roukema

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