[Mma] entry for ECTS (european credit transfer system)?

Boud Roukema boud at astro.uni.torun.pl
Thu Mar 18 14:39:51 CET 2004

hi Andrzej (Strobel),
   Staszek Krawczyk gave me a piece of paper saying that you wanted
some information about the courses i teach in English so that
non-Polish speaking students can find out what courses they can attend
in Poland.

The printed page he gave me points to:


Most of the information on the page seems rather useless, since no
foreign student is going to come here just for one lecture, and as
my Polish gets better, more and more of my lectures will be in Polish -
the main purpose is for students to learn physics - if they also learn
some English that's a side benefit.

The useful information i can think of is:

Course title: Mathematical Methods in Astronomy

Course duration: spring/summer semester

Web page of course:

Possible languages: polish, french, english

Course content: octave and/or General Theory of Relativity

Course title: Monograph Course - Shape of the Universe

Course duration: winter semester

Web page of course:

Possible languages: polish, french, english

Course content: observational cosmology, especially geometry

If the organisers really want more info, then they should provide
an appropriate web interface.

Communication by you talking to Staszek who gives me a printed page
and then me replying to you and then you replying to someone else who
then sends the info to someone else who ... is rather inefficient.

Anyway, this is a publicly archived email, see:


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